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Thru-Hiker Snackbar

  • How Snackbar Deals With Rain on the AT

    How Snackbar Deals With Rain on the AT

    We asked Snackbar how he deals with rain on the AT—what rain gear does he wear? How does he keep his gear dry? How does he pack up wet gear? Here's what he had to say.

  • 12 States Down, 2 More to Go

    12 States Down, 2 More to Go

    Near the end of Massachusetts (mile 1548) we crossed a road by a small farmhouse that provides an awesome Trail Stand stocked with cold drinks, snacks, and free Wi-Fi. A little...

  • Catching the Train Into NYC

    Catching the Train Into NYC

    We only meant to stay a night or two but other groups of hikers kept showing up and pulling us back in. From there we caught the train back north,...

  • July on the AT

    July on the AT

    Fourth of Tye Dye hiker party, Cross Trails Hostel. Arrived in Harpers Ferry West Virginia, home of the Appalachian Trail Conservancy. Making a sign at the coffee shop in Harpers...

  • Trail Update: Pennsylvania Rocks

    Trail Update: Pennsylvania Rocks

    Pennsylvania is a low elevation state with tons of farmland, corn fields, and rocks. Lots of rocks. For these reasons the actual hiking trails in this state do get monotonous....

  • Made it to the Mason Dixon Line

    Made it to the Mason Dixon Line

    July has been an exciting month so far. On July 1st we arrived in Front Royal Virginia, the last stop northbound through Shenandoah National Park. A few local businesses opened...

  • June on the AT

    June on the AT

    Hazy days in Shenandoah National Park. In part this haze is due to the fires up north but paired with the humidity and moisture in the area it sure made...

  • Trail Update: 1/3 of the way there!

    Trail Update: 1/3 of the way there!

    Heading out of Daleville, VA I hit the ⅓ of the way to Katahdin sign. The following afternoon the trail began to intersect with the famed Blue Ridge Parkway. Some...