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Trail Update: Buffets and Blue-Blazing

Trail Update: Buffets and Blue-Blazing

Our last days in July were spent at Timberline Lodge near the summit of Mount Hood where we enjoyed their infamous buffet (pro tip: we got there for breakfast and stayed while they switched out the food for their lunch selection) and taking side trails to enjoy several beautiful waterfalls. “Blue blazing” is a term hikers use in reference to side trails to views or other attractions off of the PCT, which is marked as a red line in our FarOut trail guide. Some blue blazes are out-and-back trails, while others bypass some of the red line. In addition to exploring more land off of the PCT, some hikers use blue blazes to shortcut sections of the PCT.

Journey Man and I blue-blazed to Ramona Falls where we enjoyed lunch at the base of a beautiful curtain of cascading water. The next day, we opted for another very popular blue blaze that follows Eagle Creek and leads to the infamous Tunnel Falls. The alternate passes numerous falls below the trail and then leads you right under a phenomenal waterfall. We arrived late in the afternoon, so the light hit the water drop-covered ferns and refracted rainbows in the mist.

- Mantis

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