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People of the PCT: Quaking Leaf and DigDug

People of the PCT: Quaking Leaf and DigDug

"I met Quaking Leaf in passing in Kennedy Meadows South. He was such a ball of joy whenever another hiker came walking up to the General Store. He was usually the first at attention, clapping and cheering for everyone. If he recognized the hiker, he cheered even louder, gave them hugs, and greeted them with a cold beer. We saw him again at Crater Lake where we got to know him and his daughter while we all cowboy camped at Watchman Peak. Quaking Leaf is a cheerful and kind person, full of life and appreciation for the moment in the moment. If you want to follow him along his hike, you can follow him on YouTube @"  - Journey Man


What's your name / trail name or both?

Quaking Leaf - Doug Johnson

Where are you from?

Edmonds, Washington, USA

Why did you decide to do the PCT?

My first real backpacking trip was a section of the PCT and I've been dreaming about it ever since- over 30 years!

What has been the most challenging thing you've encountered on trail so far?

By far the most challenging thing is missing my family at home. My wife, Pika, and my kids, SleepIn and DigDug. Pursuing this dream has meant more time away from them than I've ever had before. As far as on-trail, I completed the first 100 miles of the Sierra, from Kennedy Meadows, over Forester Pass, to Kearsarge Pass. This is the most challenging, exhausting, and beautiful week I've ever experienced. I even collapsed a snow bridge- YOW!

What is something you've learned so far on your hike?

I've learned about appreciation- a can of Coke from a trail angel on a hot day, a flowing creek, a sunrise, the kindness of strangers. I've also felt the love of trail family and other PCT hikers. It's been amazing.


"We met DigDug at Crater Lake with their dad, Quaking Leaf. They are joining their dad for a section of the PCT and already having a great time. They say their friends at home don't get why they are out here hiking so many miles day after day. They then ask their friends why they aren't out here doing something similar and enjoying what nature has to offer. I think Dig Dug is very mature for their age and getting some awesome life experience early!"  - Journey Man

What's your name / trail name or both?

DigDug / Lily

Where are you from?

Edmonds, Washington, USA

Why did you decide to do the PCT?

I was inspired by Anish (Heather Anderson), and also because it looked fun!

What has been the most challenging thing you've encountered on trail so far?

The hardest thing was the elevation gain.

What is something you've learned so far on your hike?

One thing I've learned is perseverance- you have to keep trying even if it's hard. I love the PCT!

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