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People of the PCT: Pit Stop

People of the PCT: Pit Stop

"We met Josh outside Julian at the same watering hole as David (Roo). Both Aussies were usually together, so we saw him as well in Julian, Idyllwild, briefly in Wrightwood, Kennedy Meadows South, Kearsarge Pass and Hostel California in Bishop. He is a very kind soul with a great sense of humor. Also a very talented photographer! Mantis and I were always in a better mood when we got to hang out with Josh and David. They have a charismatic magnetic aura around them and everyone we met loved hanging out with them including ourselves! If you want to follow Josh you can find him @joshua.settle"  - Journey Man

What's your name / trail name or both?

Josh - Pit Stop

Where are you from?

Melbourne, Australia

Why did you decide to do the PCT?

The challenge of walking across the country, border to border seemed like an appealing challenge, whilst simultaneously (and temporarily) satiating my desire to hike through mountainous terrain.

What has been the most challenging thing you've encountered on trail so far?

A) Working up the courage to unzip my sleeping bag at 1am each morning in the sierras to enjoy another day of slogging through the snow.

B) Being the victim of some unrequited love for what otherwise would have been a ripper trail romance.

What is something you've learned so far on your hike?

Don’t let the end goal (getting to Canada) compromise the social aspect of the PCT - enjoy the company of those around you!


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