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Trail Update: Friends, Fires and Flips

Trail Update: Friends, Fires and Flips

We made it to Snoqualmie Pass, but unfortunately Mantis' right tendon was swelling because of how tight it was. We thought it best to get off trail for a few days to let her leg recover. We went into Seattle and bounced around a few spots, but spent a few days with my friend from high-school Evan, and his girlfriend Sarah. Can't thank them enough for helping us during that time.

After a few days and due to Mantis' leg not healing completely, fires closing a good section of trail north of Steven's Pass and Mantis needing to catch a flight out of Sacramento in September, we decided to flip back down to Burney and make up those 622.3 miles we skipped! So my sister, Sarah and her boyfriend LeSandro were driving their way back down from a trip in Alaska and Mantis and I hitched a ride with them down to Long Beach Washington! Next morning drove through Astoria, tide pooled at Hug Point, drove over to Portland where they dropped us off.

We then caught the Columbia Gorge Express to Cascade Locks and celebrated PCT DAYS!!! We caught up with so many of our friends from many miles ago! We laughed we hugged and danced! It was a blast! We also met many new friends!

While we were waiting for the shuttle back to Portland we were offered a ride. Three other hikers, Cliff Jump, Dumpster Fire and Quarterback were able hop in on the ride as well. On our ride to Portland we were discussing our plans and it just so happened that two seats just opened up in their car rental! So Mantis and I were able to join them on the road trip south! Drove from Portland to Ashland where we stayed the night. Then the next day got dropped off at Burney and the other three continued their drive down to Chester! It has been eventful, but a wonderful experience! Now back on trail in Burney and heading South! We're SNOBOs now!

- Journey Man

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