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People of the PCT: Eagle

People of the PCT: Eagle

"We met Eagle the first time we flipped North to Burney. Him and his tramily were leap frogging with us pretty often. His sister was part of the trail family as well so we called their group The Scotts. Come to find out they are from England, but because their parents moved to Scotland when they were young they ended up developing a Scottish accent! I think we stopped running into them sometime in Oregon while we were going North. When we flipped down to Burney again and started heading South we were leap frogging with them again! It was awesome to catch up and share some experiences together like Rosh Hashanah. The whole tramily were so kind and always so positive. It always put a smile on my face to see Eagle fishing in the lakes and rivers of the Sierra. He was making memories and soaking in the moment every day."  - Journey Man


What's your name / trail name or both?

I’m Arthur and my trail name is Eagle

Where are you from?

Glasgow, Scotland

Why did you decide to do the PCT?

I did the PCT for several reasons, to challenge myself in a new way, to change the pace of usual life, and mainly just because I love nature, hiking and traveling!

What has been the most challenging thing you've encountered on trail so far?

The most challenging thing on trail was the food for me. I enjoy eating well at home and the limited/unhealthy options weren’t hitting the spot for me, won’t eat a pop tart again.

What is something you've learned so far on your hike?

That people are awesome. I couldn’t have anticipated how amazing the community of hikers and trail angels would be. The main thing was how giving and kind people were with their time and resources, expecting nothing in return. It restored my faith in humanity honestly.

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