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Journey Man's Zen Bivys: June Camp Spots

Journey Man's Zen Bivys: June Camp Spots

We asked Journey Man to photograph his camp spots every night. Here are his shots for June! 

June 17th
Mile marker: 1459.2
Cold or warm? Warm

Just off trail, and really it was an old dirt road. Luckily not in use. A water source was right next to camp (which is always a plus). The mosquitos were pretty bad hence Mantis' fashionable headwear. The deer here were also very friendly and got so close to the tent in the morning we nearly opened the door for it to come in.

June 18th
Mile marker: 1483 
Cold or warm? Warm

Bugs not as bad. Had a little fire going just for some smoke to keep them away this time. In a dense forest and nice flat areas for a few tents.

June 19th
Mile marker: 1502.3, Mount Shasta KOA
Cold or warm? Cold

We made it into Mount Shasta and camped at the KOA in town! Shower and a bathroom were a delight.

June 20th
Mile marker: 1505.6
Cold or warm? Cold 

Got back to trail real late and made it to camp even later. We were next to a small stream that we found out the next morning was actually a small waterfall.

June 21st
Mile marker: 1532.6, Porcupine Lake
Cold or warm? Cold

Nice flat dirt spot next to a gorgeous lake.

June 22nd
Mile marker: 1550.8
Cold or warm? Cold

Nuzzled in-between a few gorgeous moss covered pines with an incredible view of the changing colors of the sunset through the trees. 

June 23rd
Mile marker: 1567.8 
Cold or warm? Cold and wet

Had to stop earlier than expected with lighting less than two miles ahead of us. So we found a flat dirt spot beneath the trail between some trees. With the rain comes a rainbow!

June 25th
Mile marker: 1600.8, Etna
Cold or warm? Warm

Camped at the park in town. Got there at dark so didn't realize we camped in the wrong spot and sprinklers turned on...

June 27th
Mile marker: 1611.5
Cold or warm? Cold

Next to a creek. Came across a bunch of tents of other hikers who also left Etna. We crossed the creek and found a nice spot all to ourselves and a deer friend! 

June 28th
Mile marker: 1630.2, Paradise Lake
Cold or warm? Cold 

Beautiful spot next to Paradise Lake. Sunset shining on the mountainside and reflecting off the lake.

June 29th
Mile marker: 1650.6, Grider Creek Campground
Cold or warm? Warm

An actual designated campsite outside Seiad Valley! With a fire ring and flat soft ground!

June 30th
Mile marker or area: 1665
Cold or warm? Warm

After a long hot and difficult climb later we found ourselves on a gorgeous ridge with views of mountains on both sides of us. Left Seiad Valley late to avoid hiking in the harsh heat so we got into camp around 10:30PM. 

- Journey Man

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