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What's In Your Pack? Gear Choices with Snackbar

What's In Your Pack? Gear Choices with Snackbar

Zenbivy: What item(s) in your pack would you describe as "luxury items"?

Snackbar: The Rawlogy mini massage ball is one of my “luxury” items. Totally travel sized and like having a spa day in your tent. If you’re hiking big mile days for me this is a must have item.

Z: What is the strangest thing in your pack?

S: Lego hiker. Sent to me by my dad and totally unnecessary (it’s a toy)  but it brings me a lot of joy and lil’ Snackbar is quite photogenic.

Z: What is the least favorite piece of gear you are carrying and why? 

S: My Trekking Poles. Now this is a somewhat complex situation. I thought I enjoyed using poles while hiking (I have in the past) so I am carrying a shelter this year that pitches using the trekking poles (first time with this style of shelter) however I haven’t used my poles to hike in nearly two months (I just find having my hands free and relying on my legs more comfortable) and they take up quite a bit of space on the outside of my pack/weigh more than most ultralight tent poles sets. If I had known I was going to hike without poles I would be carrying a more traditional tent and not have to deal with strapping the trekking poles to my pack each morning.

Z: What is your favorite piece of gear (not Zenbivy) you are carrying and why?

S: My pack! Legitimately could not be happier with the size, comfort, features and durability of my 40 liter Crestone pack from Neighborhood Packs. Being in love with the piece of gear I ask the most of is quite a treat! Many hikers go the whole trail with a pack that doesn’t fit properly or is too large for their overall needs, not this hiker (humble brag?)

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