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What's In Your Pack? Gear Choices with Mantis

What's In Your Pack? Gear Choices with Mantis

Zenbivy: What item(s) in your pack would you describe as "luxury items"? What is the strangest thing in your pack? What is the least favorite piece of gear you are carrying and why? What is your favorite piece of gear (not Zenbivy) you are carrying and why?

Mantis: My strangest piece of gear overlaps as a luxury item and perhaps one of my favorite pieces of gear as well—my pot scraper. I love it because I can get every morsel of my dinner! Additional luxury items include my town clothes, camp shoes, my small journal, and pillow. My least favorite gear is my snow gear—ice ax, waterproof tall gaiters, additional pair of weatherproof gloves, and microspikes. Though this gear is important in necessary conditions, it is frustrating to carry it through 80°F+ weather!!

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